Top 5 Destinations for Indian Students Who Plan to Study Abroad

Universities worldwide have seen a constant rise in the number of Indian students enrolling for a degree away from their home country. The main reason behind their choice is the fact that the Indian job market appreciates a degree from a top international university more compared to an Indian’s Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

Compare Masters abroad

Additionally, universities from several countries provide top quality higher education, far better facilities and most importantly, focus more on research than Indian universities. So, which are the best countries to study abroad?

According to data collected by Studyportals, the top five countries where Indian students choose to go abroad are:




United States 


Check out the English-taught Master's degrees offered in these countries and see which one fits you best.

1. Master's degrees in Canada

Based on statistics, around 14% of all international students in Canada are comprised of Indian students. The Canadian government has recently introduced immigration policies that bring several benefits to Indian students, such as offering permanent residency to highly skilled students who graduate from a Canadian university.

Top advantages for Indian students who want to study abroad in Canada:

English speaking country

Canada has two official languages, English and French, but in most regions, all people speak English. This is an advantage for foreigners in general since you don’t have to deal with a language barrier and you can easily communicate with people all over Canada.

High-quality of life

Canada is one of the safest countries in the world and also has a high quality of life. In fact, Global News ranked Canada as the second country in the world in terms of social and economic progress and development.

Cosmopolitan environment

Canada has a wide multicultural environment and you will soon realise it once you enrol in a Canadian university because you will be surrounded by students coming from numerous different places. Your peers will be Americans, Polish, Spanish, Greek, you name it. Such a diverse population will make you feel less like a stranger and you can easily make new friends.

Popular study options in Canadian universities

Business Masters in Canada – with internship opportunities

Environmental Masters in Canada – combine academics with research

Social Sciences Masters in Canada – gain versatile skills

Examples of top-ranking universities in Canada:

York University

University of Winnipeg

University of Toronto

University of Regina

Brock University

Wilfrid Laurier University

Also, check out visa information for Indian students going to Canada.

2. Master's degrees in Germany

Top advantages for Indian students who want to study abroad in Germany:

Costs of education: free in public universities

Particularly for Master’s degree level, international students enjoy free-tuition in German public universities for various English-taught degrees. Considering the only cost for students is a small semester fee, it’s easy to understand why so many foreign students, including those coming from India, choose Germany as their study abroad destination.

Many scholarships for international students

There are many scholarship providers in Germany who offer financial support to talented students, but DAAD in particular, has a special program dedicated to Indian students.

Extensive focus on research in German universities

If you’re interested in studying engineering, technology or sciences, you will benefit from the advantage of getting involved in advanced research in your study field. In order to encourage this, top universities in Germany offer quality education, have a wide network of partnerships with local and international research institutes and provide modern research facilities and laboratories.

Popular study options in German universities:

Electrical Engineering Masters in Germany 

Computer Science Masters in Germany 

International Business Masters in Germany 

Examples of German universities present in world university rankings:

Justus Liebig University Giessen

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

University of Bonn

RWTH Aachen University

University of Mannheim

Also, read about visa information for Indian students going to Germany.

3. Master's degrees in Australia

One of the reasons why many Indian students choose Australia is the fact that the visa application process for many Asian students has become more relaxed in terms of financial requirements.

Top advantages for Indian students who want to study abroad in Australia:

Safe country

Australia is one of the safest countries in the world, with a very low crime rate, which make it very popular among international students and tourists in general.

Multicultural and friendly environment

Apart from being the home of thousands of citizens worldwide, Australian people are known to be extremely friendly and outgoing people. So as a foreign student here, feeling welcomed is just one of the perks of studying abroad in Australia.

Great opportunities for work during studies and after graduation

International students in Australia can work up to 20 hours a week and after graduation, they can also benefit from a post-study work visa. Additionally, the Australian government has initiated a Professional Year Program dedicated to all graduates of accounting, information technology and engineering programmes, allowing them to work in a local company.

Popular study options in Australian universities

IT Masters in Australia – internship opportunities in local companies

Environmental Masters in Australia 

Business Masters in Australia – attend some of the best business schools in the world

You can now find a degree from our partner universities in Australia.

Also, read about visa information for Indian students going to Australia.

4. Master's degrees in the United States

Top advantages for Indian students who want to study abroad in the USA:

American universities provide top education

By simply considering any university ranking, U.S. universities are among the world’s best, perfectly blending academics with research and extracurricular activities. Although the education system in the USA attracts an astounding number of international students, universities have a high student satisfaction rate thanks to the numerous student services they provide.

Access to numerous scholarships

Indian students who plan to study in the U.S. can apply to several merit-based but also need-based scholarships. For merit-based scholarships, you will have to prove either academic or non-academic excellence (e.g. voluntary activities), while need-based scholarships are solely offered to students who can’t afford to cover their study costs.

Worldwide recognition of your qualification

Completing your degree or even just a part of it in the U.S. will impress anyone, especially potential employers. Higher education in the U.S. is known to prepare talented professionals that are highly skilled; companies will see you as a candidate with an international mindset and a problem solver.

Popular study options in American universities

Information Sciences Masters in the USA 

Aerospace Engineering Masters in the USA 

MBA degrees in the USA 

Here are a few of the top-ranked American universities:

Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)

Washington State University

Northeastern University

Michigan State University

Texas A&M University

University of Colorado Denver

You can also find a degree from our partner universities from the USA.

Also, read about visa information for Indian students going to America.

5. Master's degrees in Italy

Top advantages for Indian students who want to study abroad in Italy:

Low tuition fees and living costs

Italy is a top destination for Indian students because it is one of the most accessible and affordable study options. Compared to many other countries, you will not only enjoy low tuition fees but also low living costs.

Great student life

In any city in Italy, you will be surrounded by World Heritage Sites, so studying abroad in Italy will also be a unique travel and cultural experience. What many students and youngsters like about Italy is that it is full of life, meaning streets are full of people until late at night and you can enjoy partying and dancing in bars and clubs.

Find Masters abroad

Taste some of the most fantastic food ever

If you’re a foodie, it’s impossible not to fall in love with Italian food. In Italy, you will get to taste “the real, quality” pizza and try numerous pasta dishes. That’s not all because Italian coffee and gelato are also tasty and delicious trademarks everyone appreciates.

Popular study options in Italian universities

Fashion Design Masters in Italy 

Architecture Masters in Italy – admire emblematic architectural works

Visual Arts Masters in Italy – home of famous artistic masterpieces

Here are a few of the top-ranked Italian universities:

University of Verona

University of Pisa

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Also, read about visa information for Indian students going to Italy.

Written by Dana VioreanuShare on 



Dana has always been passionate about writing and she is now living her dream working as an editorialist. She finds writing articles dedicated to students very interesting, challenging, and above all, amazingly fun!

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