IAS Study Materials and Notes for FREE!

IAS Study Materials and Notes for FREE!

ClearIAS free online study materialsClearIAS online study materials are one of the most simple and easy-to-learn notes on any subject. That’s the reason why we are equally loved by school students just like IAS exam toppers.

This post contains links to all ClearIAS online study materials, which are completely free. Our mission is to make your learning an enjoyable experience.

Free IAS Study Materials – Useful for UPSC Prelims and Mains

Free IAS Study Materials – For Additional  areas in UPSC Mains

UPSC Mains Special – Paper-wise Study Materials

Also, don’t miss our downloads section…

Instead of the latest-post-on-top architecture, you see on our blog, you can see a hierarchical index on ClearIAS downloads section. Each subject is divided into topics and sub-topics. Check this link to download our most-viewed notes.

Books for Civil Services Exam Preparation

You need standard textbooks to learn many subjects mentioned in the UPSC syllabus. Don’t hesitate to invest in good books.

Now, you can buy online the recommended books for UPSC Prelims and Mains.

In the UPSC Civil Services study-material-list of any serious aspirant, the following categories of materials are recommended.

  1. Standard IAS Books for Civil Services Exam – Eg: Laxmikanth for Indian Polity.
  2. School and Graduation Text Books – Eg: NCERT, NIOS, IGNOU etc.
  3. Newspapers and Magazines – Eg: The Hindu, Yojana, Kurukshetra etc.
  4. Online UPSC Study Materials – Eg: ClearIAS.com, Government websites like PIB etc.

ClearIAS Mock Tests

As you may know, only when tested in an exam atmosphere with negative marking, you can improve the ability to deliver in the actual exam hall.

Try for free the UPSC Prelims online mock exams by ClearIAS – in the new innovative platform which integrates learning with test-taking. You would be surprised to find how fast you can learn!

Notes + Mocks + Books = Success!

The prelims-cum-mains strategy should be a mix of online study materials and mock exams by ClearIAS with the offline study materials such as IAS textbooks and NCERT.

IAS Preparation: Guidance and Strategies

Strategy to clear IAS exam

Adding below the most popular posts highlighting guidance and strategies for IAS preparation.

  1. A Note Before You Begin IAS Preparation or Coaching.
  2. Smart Work for IAS Preparation.
  3. Strategy and Books for Early Birds To Clear IAS Exam.
  4. Civil Service Prelims 6 Month Strategy – How Can You Clear UPSC Prelims in 6 Months?
  5. CSAT – What is the best strategy to prepare for the CSAT?
  6. 100-Days Action Plan to Clear IAS Prelims
  7. IAS Books for Civil Services Prelims and Mains Exam Preparation.
  8. Strategy and Study Plan for Clearing IAS Mains Exam.
  9. How To Select IAS Mains Optional As Per The Latest UPSC Syllabus.
  10. How To Write A Good Essay In Civil Service Mains Exam?
  11. What to Study for Ethics Paper in IAS Mains GS?
  12. World History for UPSC Mains: Understanding The Basics.
  13. Security and Disaster Management for UPSC Mains Exam.
  14. Indian Society For UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam.
  15. How to clear Civil Services prelims?
  16. How to clear Civil Services mains?
  17. How to clear Civil Services interview?

UPSC Books and Study Materials for Free Download

Apart from the subject wise detailed notes for IAS exam, previous year UPSC question papersUPSC prelims mock testsUPSC mains mock tests etc. are also provided on this website to equip aspirants to the standards of UPSC Civil Service Exam.

You are free to share or print Clear IAS study materials and notes for UPSC Exam preparation or self-use. All the best!

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வாசகர்களுக்கு வணக்கம்,

தாங்கள் வழங்கும் Comment - களை ஆசிரியர்கள் மட்டுமல்லாமல், தினந்தோறும் பல்லாயிரக்கணக்கான மாணவர்களும் பார்வையிடுகின்றனர். எனவே வருங்கால ஆசிரியர்களும் இந்த பொறுப்பை உணர்ந்து நாகரீகமாகவும், யாருடைய மனதையும் வருத்தப்படவைக்காத வகையிலும் தங்கள் Comment - களை வழங்கவும்.


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