Updated Nov 26, 2019 | 09:23 IST | Times Now Digital
TNPSC has released TNPSC Group 4 Result 2019 marks and rank position. Candidates can check it through the official site of TNPSC at tnpsc.gov.in. Direct link & steps to check available here.

Photo Credit: Times Now
TNPSC Group 4 Result 2019
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has released TNPSC Group 4 Result 2019 marks and rank position on November 26, 2019. Candidates can check their marks on the official site of TNPSC at tnpsc.gov.in. The written examination was conducted on September 1, 2019 and the result was declared on November 12, 2019 on the official site.
A total of 13.5 lakh candidates appeared for Group 4 examination and all those candidates can check their marks and rank. To check the marks and rank, candidates will have to follow these simple steps given below.
TNPSC Group 4 Result 2019: Steps to check
- Visit the official site of TNPSC at tnpsc.gov.in.
- Click on TNPSC Group 4 Result 2019 Marks & Rank position link available on the home page.
- A new page will open where candidates can enter their registration number and click on submit.
- The marks and rank position will be displayed on the screen.
- Check the marks and rank position and download the page.
- If needed, candidates can keep a hard copy of the same for further need.