Along with the UGC NET answer keys, the Agency has also released question papers and the responses attempted by the candidates during the exams held last week. "The National Testing Agency (NTA) has now uploaded the Question Papers and the responses attempted thereon by each candidate on the NTA website," a statement regarding NET answer key said.
"The link is available on the website and the candidates need to click on it to view their respective question papers and the responses attempted. Candidates may "login and click link for display of their question papers and responses attempted"," it added. UGC NET answer key 2019: Direct link
NET answer key 2019: NTA NET 2019 answer key has been released at
Candidates who have appeared for the UGC NET may check their NTA NET answer key 2019 from the direct link provided here:
Through Application Number and Password
"This facility will remain available till 13.12.2019(11:50 pm) only. Candidates are advised to save their respective question papers and responses attempted for future reference," the NTA NET answer key statement said.
The National Testing agency has also uploaded the provisional Answer keys for candidates to challenge on the NTA website," it added. "The procedure (as enclosed) for challenge of Answer Keys may be referred for the purpose. This facility is also available till 13.12.2019 (upto 11.50 pm). Candidates are required to pay online a sum of Rs. 1000/- (one thousand rupees) only for each question challenged. The fee will be refunded if the challenge is found correct," it said.
The exam was conducted for over 10 lakh candidates in 81 subjects. The exam was conducted at 700 centres in 219 cities. It was a computer-based test (CBT). Click here for more Jobs News