Among the many exam preparation tips that come from counsellors or teachers, the first is to prepare a timetable and follow it rigorously. However, that’s easier said than done. If you can relate to the struggle, then read on to know how to create an effective time-table and follow it, without much ado.
Introspect: It is important to have a timetable based on one’s style of study, pointed out Swati Salukhe, a Mumbai-based counsellor. “Students often prepare a timetable based on what their friends are pursuing or their parents believed was right. But it is critical to introspect and understand one’s own style of study, such as if you are a morning or night person, and study accordingly. Waking up too early or staying up till late can sometimes make the brain lazy and sleepy during the test.
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Even if a student starts their study during the day, without waking up at odd hours, they can invest around nine hours of preparation each day. For instance, study hours can be 9-12, 2 pm – 5 pm, 6 pm – 9 pm,” she recommended.
Flexible yet focused: Students should not keep unrealistic goals, in terms of hours or the subject. “It is important to stay focused. One should study one topic at a time. Instead of keeping goals like finishing the entire subject at one go, make the timetable more flexible. Devote as many hours as needed but get thorough with a topic,” she remarked.
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What and when: It is important to decide what to study and when. Salukhe counselled, “Starting with an important topic will help students devote more time to it. It is advisable to begin studies with a difficult topic as that is when the mind is most fresh and one can grasp the topic easily.” Finish tough topics and ones with most weightage first and keep easier ones for later, to lower stress as the exams approach.
Take a break: Very long hours of study can be tiring and prevent one from staying focused. “Students need to schedule a break time. A break of at least five minutes after 55 minutes of study is advisable. These breaks will help to keep the brain fresh and re-focus,” she added. It is important that students use these breaks to relax, but don’t let them stretch too long.
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Time for the net: Students need to create a balance when it comes to using gadgets to avoid distraction. “It is important to switch off the phone and other gadgets while studying. No social media during this time. Further, one can also make a list of topics they want to understand and move on with rest. These courses can be studied using online videos or other tutorials. The online study time should not exceed over 30 minutes,” she said.
Beyond studies: Preparation is not about studies alone, but staying mentally and physically alert, which can help students attempt the exam better. “Students need to eat and sleep well to keep the brain sharp. Exercise, including running, swimming and cycling, should be a part of the daily routine as well, while eight hours of sleep is a must,” she advised.