Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) would conduct the exam for the social science for Class 10th on 18th March 2020. Social Science is one of the main subjects and is also considered as bit tough subject.
The site to get more details on the exam is http://cbse.nic.in/ .
Tips for Exam:
Students who are going to give the CBSE class 10th Examination can follow the below tips:
- One of the most effective tips is the time management for both preparation and writing exams. Students should allocate the time for each topic and cover the topic within the time limit. This Should also be followed while writing the exam as not to spend too much time on single question. Time saved means better revision.
- It is extremely important for all the students to know the complete syllabus for the subject. It has four units which are India and the Contemporary world – II, Contemporary India- II, Understanding economic development and Democratic Politics – II. These four units are critical and students are advised to divide the time accordingly.
- Another most effective tip is to remain healthy. This means every student should eat healthy and must have the enough sleep. Student should drink lot of water to avoid any health issues. If Student suffers from any disease then the medication should not be avoided.
- It is recommended that the students prepare the short notes in the separate copy for the last-minute revision. Preparing short notes will also assist the students in remembering the topic.
- Some students can easily study in night and some can easily study in early morning. So, students should check at what time they can study easily and plan the schedule accordingly.
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The subject includes the topic from History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. But this subject can also be the most scoring subject out of all other subjects in Class 10th. Planning and hard work is the key to success in the examination.