CBSE class 10 English examination 2020 will be conducted on February 26 from 10.30 am to 01.30 pm. Students, generally, devote less time to English as they believe that they can cover the syllabus in less time. But, this often leads to students scoring not so good grades. Here are some preparation tips for CBSE class 10 English exam that might prove useful.

With the announcement of CBSE class 10 exam schedule, students have begun the last leg of preparations. They start making timetables, go for group studies and practice recurring questions from previous years.
CBSE class 10 English examination 2020 will be conducted on February 26 from 10.30 am to 01.30 pm. Students, generally, devote less time to English as they believe that they can cover the syllabus in less time. But, this often leads to students scoring not so good grades. Here are some preparation tips for CBSE class 10 English exam that might prove useful.
Reading Section
If a student has been reading newspaper or is a book lover, then he/she can score good marks in this section. It tests comprehension ability and the questions are based on a passage. To score good marks here, one should practice 2-3 passages daily.
Writing and Grammar
One should practice letters, essays, notices, poster making, articles etc for this section. Besides, students should refer to previous years’ question papers and model test papers. On the grammar side, one should focus on usage of tenses, active passive, direct and indirect speech etc. Apart from this, students should practice fill in the blanks, editing and rearrangement of sentences from sample papers.
Remember the gist of poems and stories given in the syllabus for this part of the English paper. Question papers from the previous years could be of great help too.
Stick to syllabus:
Don’t waste too much time reading unnecessary stuff. Before starting preparation for CBSE class 10 English exam, thoroughly read the syllabus and proceed according to that.
Time bound approach: