The certificate courses will begin from the January 2020 session. The candidates can apply through the website-

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has launched three online certificate programmes, on offer from the January 2020 admission cycle, namely Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL), Certificate in Russian Language (CRUL), Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS). The registration can be done on the following link
The advantage of the online mode is that a teacher is able to mentor each learner, through a four-quadrant approach. The material provided is rich and easy to comprehend. The learning content includes five hours of videos and associated reading material per credit, which will strengthen the teaching-learning process. The learner will be connected through modern ICT and 24×7 online support shall be provided.
Details of online courses
Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)
In recent years, tourism has developed as an industry employing a large number of people. Numerous operational areas in tourism also offer immense opportunities for entrepreneurs to establish their own business – big or small. Yet Tourism Studies as an academic discipline is not very well developed. Opportunities for its study are also limited.
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A large number of the workforce has had no formal study in various aspects of tourism. These programmes have been developed keeping in mind people who in future intend to make their career in some branch of tourism, or are already working in tourism related areas at various levels.
Eligibility for admission: 10+2 or its equivalent
Medium of instruction: Hindi and English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 6 months; maximum 1 year (as per UGC Regulation 2018)
Fee structure: Initial Launch fee: Rs. 1800/ for full programme (exclusive of examination fee)
Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL)
This programme aims at acquainting the beginners with essential rudiments of the Arabic Language, and gradually and systematically inculcates in them an ability to speak, write and read the language with a certain degree of accuracy and confidence.
Eligibility for admission: 10+2, minimum 18 years of age
Medium of Instruction: English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 6 months; maximum 1 year
Fee structure: Initial Launch fee- Rs. 1800/ for full programme (exclusive of examination fee)
Certificate in Russian Language (CRUL)
The Certificate in Russian Language is a six-month programme of 16 credits. The objective is to introduce the basics of Russian grammar and phonetics so they can read, write, listen and speak Russian in an accurate manner. The programme is bilingual (Russian/English) in medium. The programme will enable learners to speak and write Russian with confidence in their daily communications.
Eligibility for admission: 10+2, minimum 18 years of age
Medium of instruction: Russian and English
Duration of the programme: Minimum 6 month; maximum 01 year
Fee structure: Initial launch fee: Rs. 2500/ for full programme (exclusive of examination fee).
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