TNEB 2020 Jobs Recruitment Of 600 Assistant Engineer Posts

Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TNEB) 2020 Jobs Recruitment. TNEB has released official notification for the job openings of Assistant Engineer vacancies. Check the eligibility and notification prior to apply for the positions.
Closing date is on :- 16th March, 2020.
No.of Posts and Vacancies :-
Assistant Engineer – 600 Posts
Job Location – Across India
Other Qualification Details :-
Applications are invited only through ONLINE MODE upto 16.03.2020 for Direct Recruitment to the following posts.
1. Post: Assistant Engineer (Electrical) a ) Electrical and Electronics Engineering – 91% (364 Candidates) b) Electronics and Communication Engineering / Instrumentation Engineering – 7% (28 Candidates) c) Computer Science/ Information Technology Engineering – 2% (8 Candidates)
2. Vacancies: 400
3. Level 1 of Officer Pay Matrix (i.e., Rs.39800 – 126500)
1. Post: Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)
2. Vacancies: 125
3. Level 1 of Officer Pay Matrix (i.e., Rs.39800 – 126500)
1. Post: Assistant Engineer (Civil)
2. Vacancies: 75
3. Level 1 of Officer Pay Matrix (i.e., Rs.39800 – 126500)
Age: SC, SC(A), ST, Destitute Widow 18 years 35 years ,MBC/DC, BCO, BCM 18 years 32 years , ‘Others’ [i.e candidates not belonging to SC, SC(A), ST, MBC/DC, BCO and BCMs] 18 years 30 years.
Application Fee: OC, BCO, BCM, MBC/ DC Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) , SC, SCA, ST Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) , Examination Fees Destitute widow and Differently abled persons Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only)
Applying Online :-
1. Candidates are first required to log on to the TANGEDCO’s Website In the website the candidate can go to the Online application portal by clicking the link.
2. Follow the procedure given in the Guidelines to the candidates for applying Online.
3. Applying through online have the following major procedures a) One Time User Registration. b) Candidate Profile updation which includes various sections like Personal Information, Educational Qualifications, Apprentice Training & Experiences and Declaration section along with necessary relevant upload of scanned copy of documents. c) Apply for the relevant post that the candidate wishes to apply. d) Download of Bank Challan for paying Examination fees. e) Download of Application form. Note: Candidates must take a print out of the application and produced the same as and when called for.
4. After the candidate completes the One Time Registration, an USER ID with Password will be generated. The User ID & Password has to be kept confidential and should not be disclosed it to anyone.
5) This USER ID can be used for log on into the application portal for applying for various posts if the candidates are eligible for that post after updating the relevant profile information.
6) Candidates are required to upload their photograph, signature, and left hand thumb impression as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for scanning and upload of photograph, signature, and left hand thumb impression. If the candidate is coming under differently abled category and unable to take left hand thumb impression, then the candidate can take Right hand thumb impression. An online application uploaded without photograph, signature, and thumb impression will be rejected
Other Important Instructions :-
a) Candidates should ensure their eligibility for examination: The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to examination. Their admission to the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying of the eligibility conditions. Mere issue of memo of admission to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been fully cleared by the TANGEDCO.
b) How to apply: Candidates are required to apply Online by using the website Detailed instructions for filling up online application are given in Para 11 of this Notification.
c) The Hall Tickets to be sent to the eligible candidates will also be made available in the TANGEDCO’s Website for downloading by candidates. No Hall Ticket will be sent by post. So, the candidates should watch TANGEDCO website for the scheduled date of examination and for further updation till the finalisation of selection process.
d) Facilitation centre for guidance of candidates: In case of any guidance / information / clarification of their applications, candidature, etc. candidates can contact TANGEDCO office in person or over or through e-mail id on all working days between 10.30 a.m. and 05.15 p.m.
Selection Process :-
i) Apply the post in online and appearing for online examination alone is not guarantee for appointment or selection to the post.
(ii) All eligible candidates including the candidates sponsored by the Employment Exchange, Apprentices candidates in TNEB/ TANGEDCO/ TANTRANSCO and open market should apply through ON LINE to appear in the Competitive online examination. The tentative list of eligible candidates (i.e., from the list of candidates who have appeared for the Competitive Online exam) will be called in the ratio of 1: 1 for certificate verification as per the marks obtained by the candidates in the examination and as per communal roster.
(iii) The competitive Online exam shall be conducted by TANGEDCO/ TNPSC or any other agency as decided by the competent authority at that time of events…Read more>>